The design adopts the circuit for constraining the in-phase signal, in order to improve the system's CMRR. 为了提高前置级的共模抑制能力,采用了共模信号的抑制电路&右腿驱动和浮地跟踪。
In the formula of ( 2), represents the in-phase signal, represents the orthogonal signal, is the modulation index and is the subcarrier frequency. 式中,表示同相信号,表示正交信号,为调制指数,为副载波频率。
Triggered by the in-phase signal, the waveform generator outputs a pulse burst. 用束团同步信号触发波形发生器,生成窄脉冲;
The fading statistics is achieved by in-phase and quadrature modulation at the radio signal by two independent Gaussian noise signals. 该设备由软件和硬件组成,用两个独立的高斯噪声信号对无线电信号进行同相和正交调制,相加后得到瑞利衰落信号。
The correcting network consists of combination logic circuit and it can correct the gain and phase imbalances and the bias errors of the in-phase and quadrature channels in coherent signal processing. 校正网络由组合逻辑组成,可以校正同相支路和正交支路的幅相误差和直流偏移。
The in-phase signal of beam bunch is obtained by dividing the reference signal from the storage ring's RF system. 激励信号产生的过程是:将取自储存环高频系统的信号进行分频,得到束团同步信号;
Using Doppler frequency shift signal with the self-similar characteristics, analyzes the changes of self-similarity in the same time between Doppler frequency and in-phase signal with local wave method, obtains judgments of abnormal Doppler. 利用多普勒频移信号所具有的自相似特性,应用局域波方法对多普勒频移与同相信号在相同时刻自相似性的变化进行分析,得出多普勒频移异常的判断。
Obtained in-phase signal throw costas loop was normalized to obtain a cosine signal. 这种算法的思想就是把经过科斯塔斯环得到的同相信号进行归一化处理,得到一个近似的余弦信号。
Two regulators share the same clock and run in-phase, and the chip can be synchronized to an external clock signal, and provides good noise performance. 芯片中两个调整器同相运行且可以和外部时钟信号同步,减少芯片输出的噪声干扰。
Finally, a novel In-phase/ Quadrature-phase Waveforms Generator ( IQWG) which generates the in-phase and quadrature-phase waveforms of input sinusoidal signal was proposed. 本文另外还提出了一种新型的能够产生与输入正弦信号同相位波形和正交波形的正交信号发生器(In-phase/Quadrature-phaseWaveformsGenerator,IQWG)。